
ISO Commitee works on revision of ISO55002

 Articulo 23 de abril de 2019
Predictiva 21
Autor: Predictiva 21La revista digital de Mantenimiento, Confiabilidad y Gestión de Activos.

Rhys Davies, who presides the committee, talked to Predictiva21 about the process of revision of ISO55002, which was first published on January 2014. After some adjustments with ISO55001, the TC251 committee works on details for the next stage which pretends to give a broader orientation regarding the application of these quality standards.

Quality is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. This quote, attributed to Henry Ford, brie y illustrates what can be expected from a process or a behavior. Of course, it is linked to integrity and confidence, and what the product and service companies hope to inspire in their clients’ minds. Hence, quality is intrinsically related to long-term businesses. This is how maintenance people see it, those dedicated to asset management, the ones who are in the equipment behavior prediction field.

To reach these levels of quality and confidence, there has to be a specialized process whose steps guarantee the quality of the result as well as the sequence to get to it from the very beginning. The Veritas International Bureau is there to ensure the quality of this process, as it goes for the asset management field under the great ISO family. The international standard for regulating the quality of maintenance processes was PASS55, which originated ISO55000. The implementation of the standard meant a huge advance for the international regulation of such a complex activity like maintenance and asset management, and its application and comprehension is a dynamic currently in progress. ISO55000 gave way to 55001 and 55002, which are under revision now.

We asked Rhys Davies to tell us about the importance of revising this standard which is currently being done by the TC251 committee and how this will impact the worldwide maintenance community, constantly interested in the alignment with the best practices as part of its reason to be.

P21: What is the importance of ISO55002 that is being revised by the TC251 commitee?

ISO/TC251 is currently working on a number of parallel activities. One of which is the revision of ISO55002. I have provided a brief summary of our core work today:

1. WG6 is working on revising ISO55002. This is important because our initial feedback after publication in January 2014 was that users would like greater guidance on implementing ISO55001. The current revision of 55002 is providing better guidance based on early usage of the standards. Additionally it is providing specific guidance not just on individual clauses of the 55001 standard but also on themes that spread across a wide area of the 55001 requirements. Areas such as SAMP, Risk, decision making and Finance are just some of the areas that will have their own section in the revised 55002 showing how the individual clauses bring themes together. This is important because Asset Management encourages breaking down organizational silos. As such it is important that our standards don’t force new silos.

During our meeting in Brisbane we moved the current draft of the revised 55002 to Draft International Standard status and it is on schedule for publication during 2018.

2. WG5 is working on a Technical Specification (ISO55010) on Aligning finance and asset management aspects in organizations. Our early feedback since 2014 has been that the finance areas of 55001 were very well received and organizations were gaining a lot of value from the requirements but there was a big demand for additional guidance in this area so WG5 is working on that with a view to publication during 2018.

3. Our new Working Group (WG7) initiated a new piece of work in Brisbane to develop an International Standard in setting public policy for asset management. The intent here is to help governmental bodies at all levels of government to help set policy for AM in asset owning organizations. This is an exciting piece of work and even though it is still at the very earliest stage of development, it is attracting a lot of interest internationally.

P21: Who are the members of this commitee?

The ISO/TC251 is integrated by participants and observers, among them, Charles Corrie as Secretary, Rhys Davies as Chairperson until 2020, Antoine Morin as ISO Technical Programme Manager, and Brian Stanton as ISO Editorial Programme Manager.

We have active memberships from a number of Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries including Argentina, Ecuador, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico who regularly contribute to work and participate in meetings.

P21: What benefits does it bring to industry?

We have a very alive website for ISO/TC251 which has many parts of it available in English, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese. There are several pages on benefits but on the home page is this text:

Key benefits of adopting ISO 55001

  • Performance improvements: Efective and eficient management of short and long term opportunities improves sustainability, allowing the organization to consistently meet or exceed the performance and social responsibility expectations of stakeholders.
  • Cost improvements: An asset management system facilitates improved return on investment and cost reduction metrics without sacrificing short or long term organizational performance. Additionally, it improves the asset value to advance the bottom line.
  • Management of risk: The ongoing review of processes, procedures, and asset performance enables informed management decisions that balance cost, risk, and performance data to improve organizational eficiency and efiectiveness.
  • Assurance of business growth and improvement: A robust asset management system aids improvements with formal, collaborative, prioritized, and coordinated implementation plans that enable the entire organization to communicate and understand the goals and commitments.
  • Reliable decision making: Implementing an asset management system drives reliable decision making for the development, coordination, and control of asset related activities. It also aligns these activities with core organizational objectives.
  • Enhanced stakeholder confidence through compliance and improved reputation: Using the ISO 55001 standard, based on the guidance of ISO 55002, supports a clear policy and strategy that maintain and continuously improves the asset management system and demonstrates alignment with other management systems.

Follow this link for case studies highlighting the benefits of adopting ISO 55001: committee.iso.org/tc251

P21: Will there be any more meetings prior to the one in Paris next year?

Our next full meeting of ISO/TC251 is scheduled for February 2018 in Paris but that doesn’t mean the work stops. Our Working Groups continue their work remotely and via webinar. Already since our Brisbane meeting, I think all of the Working Groups have held at least one webinar. In addition, WG7 is planning a face to face Working Group meeting in Canada later in 2017.

For more information, check the link


Text: Alimey Díaz
Photos: Courtesy of Rhys Davies
Translation: Richard Skinner

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