
The Plant Hexcellence™ Model Drives Operational Excellence

 Articulo 5 de noviembre de 2019
Predictiva 21
Autor: Predictiva 21La revista digital de Mantenimiento, Confiabilidad y Gestión de Activos.

Many strive to achieve Operational Excellence (OpEx) but never quite reach their goals. You have to ask yourself why? There are many reasons, and that alone could be a whole series of articles, but most prominent is that they do not have a vision or model of Operational Excellence that meets their business needs or is “Fit for Purpose”. Most really don’t understand operational excellence and what it truly means. They attach themselves to one specific component like LEAN or Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and think that will get them what they seek. I promise you, that your organization will never be LEAN if the plant and process is not reliable and RCM alone will never work without Operations being in support.

OpEx is the implementation of a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted model that contains many inter-dependent components. This article will be the beginning of a series of 6 follow-on articles. The subject will be the Operational Excellence model called Plant Hexcellence™. Each article will focus on one cell. What comprises that cell (facets)? Why each facet important to the model and business? How the cell and facets are flexible to meet business needs and “Fit for Purpose”.

There are distinct views and philosophies about OpEx models. What shape the model should take? What it should look like? How it should flow or be connected? Some look to a circular path or circle with a flow in one direction with inter-locking additional circles pushing to the center like a bulls eye. Others use a pyramidal shape with a base or foundation driving up in terms of sequence to a point. If you go to the Internet and type in images of OpEx or asset management models you will understand what I am referring to but see Figure 1. for examples. I disagree with both models to some degree as I find them limiting.

Figure 1. Examples of models
Figure 1. Examples of models

The circle gives indication that there is only one path or method. Each concentric ring is required to drive to the next level. The pyramid by its design says that each is a building block and if any are missing then the whole structure will collapse. That is not practical. There are lots of companies and organizations that are pro table and do not have all the components in place. The differences being that in order to get to best in class organizations are always moving to have every component fully capable.

Another key issue is understanding the model that is used. Many are vague, have too many moving parts to understand and not really designed for the end user but for senior management.

I challenge you to spend 30 seconds looking at a model and understand exactly what it means and how much of the information can you retain. The model is required to perform any comparative assessment or analysis. The model is required to measure progress and success. The model is required to keep you on track and know when you will be reaching the goal.

Plant Hexcellence ™
Plant Hexcellence ™

Plant Hexcellence is a unique method that uses a combination of geometric figures, colors and alliteration to enhance the retention of the information and facets contained in each cell. Each issue of the magazine over the next 12 months will take a closer look at each cell, breaking it down into the specific facets that make it flexible and fit for purpose for any manufacturing organization. The more information about the model that can be comprehended and retained at all levels within the organization will speed the implementation and culture change while ensuring the initiative is sustainable. Each cell is currently represented by the hexagon but as each cell is de ned specifically for each organization meeting their business needs, then the cell will have a geometric figured de ned by the number of facets contained.

The six cells are:

  • People – All change must start and focus on the people as they will be the one key component that will create success or failure.
  • Plant – Refers to the physical plant, assets and equipment.
  • Processes – All work processes related to Asset Management.
  • Policy and Procedure – All policies, procedure and regulatory compliance requirements documented so there is no ambivalence.
  • Performance – Measuring performance in all areas with Key “Performance” Indicators that support the model and vision.
  • Proactive Maintenance – includes all prior activities to insure asset and manufacturing reliability.

Stay tuned each issue to see the details that make this model unique.

Author: Scott Kelley, CMRP
Managing Director
c: 713.962.1978
Mail: scottkelley@geometricreliability.com

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