Articulo30 de octubre de 2019
This Is The First Of A Six Article Series. The Foundation For The Series Of Articles Is The Manufacturing Asset Management Model Called Plant Hexcellence™. In The Previous Edition (Inset Link To Previous Article) We Discussed The Hexcellence™ Model Holistically And The Intent Behind Why The Shape And Content. Each Article Will Cover One Cell Of The Model And The Facets That Compose That Cell.
Plant Hexcellence™ drives culture change. People drive sustainability.
We, as employers, hire employees but what shows up every morning are people. They carry with them baggage, but the same things that create the imperfect person are also the same things that give them strength, integrity, loyalty and ingenuity.

It was not an accident that the top and most prominent position of the model is People. Success or failure of your company/organization all starts with your people. You can have the best patented new fangled process or software ever created, but unless you have the right people resource to produce it and bring it to market, then you will struggle and fail. In all companies there must be a balance between Safety, Environmental and Profit. People are the one true component of all three and the hardest to control and maintain.
Each cell is composed of facets or sides and like a cut on a gemstone, each is important to the overall beauty of the stone. One facet missing or being the wrong shape or size diminishes the end result greatly. Even though each company or organization vary greatly, the flexibility of the model allows that each facet is “Fit for Purpose” for that company.
The following are the facets within the People cell of the Hexcellence™ Model:
- Organization Development.
- Organizational Structure.
- Continuous Improvement.
- Change Management.
- Operational Excellence.
Organization development
- Vision / Mission relative to Asset Management.
- Training.
- Certification.
- Performance.
- Evaluation.
Organization Development is about change. Changing the culture. Changing the knowledge base. Changing the sustainability of the company.
Change is hard. Change traditionally only occurs when an outside agent or factor demands the change for whatever the reason. I have found that most people say, “I don’t mind change. In fact change is good”. What they really mean is “I don’t mind change as long as it doesn’t effect me”. Even the most forward thinking advocates of change, push back when their world is threatened with change.
The first step in change as is the first step in Asset Management initiatives is understanding where you are going before you begin the journey. So the first step in Organization Development is having a Vision and Mission. Keep in mind that we are talking specifically about the Manufacturing Excellence component of change. The vision/mission/key pursuits are not commonly referred to as “apple pie and motherhood”. We are talking real, tangible, definable and measurable goals. This should be done through a facilitated approach using an outside agent to facilitate the process.
The next step is to look at the Roles/ Responsibility/Expectations/ Measures.
Once the RREM is de ned completely, then breaking down the Roles and Responsibilities into skills required to exceed expectations and sustain the change creates the foundation for 1. Comparative analysis of where your organization’s people are currently 2. What training does the organization need to attain the level of pro ciency required? 3. Foundation for a certi cation process insures sustainability of the knowledge and competency. 4. Tying the skills and competencies to personal performance evaluations ensures motivation from employees.
Utilizing the RREM creates the Organizational Structure to manage the accountability of the roles that support the goal.
An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.[1] It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. [Jacobides., M. G. (2007)].
Cursos recomendados


Continuous improvement / Change management
The traditional model of organizational management has in large part been a top down philosophy following the standard hierarchical organizational chart, where employees at the lowest level of the organization are not a forded the opportunity to contribute to the overall success of the organization. Whereas this traditional model is unavoidable and cannot be dismissed, successful leaders who embrace change management and understand the value of every employee in the organization, foster an environment that supports floor level ownership, accountability for results at all levels of the organization, and drives sustainability.
Operational excellence
Operational Excellence is the utilization of the Hexcellence™ Model to support the leadership to employ specific strategy, methods and tools that drive sustainable improvement. Those tools are:
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Which focuses on improving the Overall Equipment Effectiveness through employment of improved maintenance strategies.
Lean – Is the elimination of waste in a manufacturing environment to include optimization of all processes and resources.
Six Sigma – Statistical Analysis to identify key areas of focus for the improvements to take place.
5S – A method to clean and organize an area of all required assets and tools while removing any unnecessary components and contributing factors.
Self-empowered Work Teams – Allow Teams to identify and solve issues and defects in the process autonomously.
All the facets within the People cell are necessary. The degree and depth to which an organization uses them gives the flexibility for smaller companies to see the same results as a large with a cost structure that makes business sense.
Autor: Scott Kelley, CMRP
Managing Director
c: 713.962.1978
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Articulo 30 de octubre de 2019This Is The First Of A Six Article Series. The Foundation For The Series Of Articles Is The Manufacturing Asset Management Model Called Plant Hexcellence™. In The Previous Edition (Inset Link To Previous Article) We Discussed The Hexcellence™ Model Holistically And The Intent Behind Why The Shape And Content. Each Article Will Cover One Cell Of The Model And The Facets That Compose That Cell.
Plant Hexcellence™ drives culture change. People drive sustainability.
We, as employers, hire employees but what shows up every morning are people. They carry with them baggage, but the same things that create the imperfect person are also the same things that give them strength, integrity, loyalty and ingenuity.

It was not an accident that the top and most prominent position of the model is People. Success or failure of your company/organization all starts with your people. You can have the best patented new fangled process or software ever created, but unless you have the right people resource to produce it and bring it to market, then you will struggle and fail. In all companies there must be a balance between Safety, Environmental and Profit. People are the one true component of all three and the hardest to control and maintain.
Each cell is composed of facets or sides and like a cut on a gemstone, each is important to the overall beauty of the stone. One facet missing or being the wrong shape or size diminishes the end result greatly. Even though each company or organization vary greatly, the flexibility of the model allows that each facet is “Fit for Purpose” for that company.
The following are the facets within the People cell of the Hexcellence™ Model:
- Organization Development.
- Organizational Structure.
- Continuous Improvement.
- Change Management.
- Operational Excellence.
Organization development
- Vision / Mission relative to Asset Management.
- Training.
- Certification.
- Performance.
- Evaluation.
Organization Development is about change. Changing the culture. Changing the knowledge base. Changing the sustainability of the company.
Change is hard. Change traditionally only occurs when an outside agent or factor demands the change for whatever the reason. I have found that most people say, “I don’t mind change. In fact change is good”. What they really mean is “I don’t mind change as long as it doesn’t effect me”. Even the most forward thinking advocates of change, push back when their world is threatened with change.
The first step in change as is the first step in Asset Management initiatives is understanding where you are going before you begin the journey. So the first step in Organization Development is having a Vision and Mission. Keep in mind that we are talking specifically about the Manufacturing Excellence component of change. The vision/mission/key pursuits are not commonly referred to as “apple pie and motherhood”. We are talking real, tangible, definable and measurable goals. This should be done through a facilitated approach using an outside agent to facilitate the process.
The next step is to look at the Roles/ Responsibility/Expectations/ Measures.
Once the RREM is de ned completely, then breaking down the Roles and Responsibilities into skills required to exceed expectations and sustain the change creates the foundation for 1. Comparative analysis of where your organization’s people are currently 2. What training does the organization need to attain the level of pro ciency required? 3. Foundation for a certi cation process insures sustainability of the knowledge and competency. 4. Tying the skills and competencies to personal performance evaluations ensures motivation from employees.
Utilizing the RREM creates the Organizational Structure to manage the accountability of the roles that support the goal.
An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.[1] It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. [Jacobides., M. G. (2007)].
Cursos recomendados


Continuous improvement / Change management
The traditional model of organizational management has in large part been a top down philosophy following the standard hierarchical organizational chart, where employees at the lowest level of the organization are not a forded the opportunity to contribute to the overall success of the organization. Whereas this traditional model is unavoidable and cannot be dismissed, successful leaders who embrace change management and understand the value of every employee in the organization, foster an environment that supports floor level ownership, accountability for results at all levels of the organization, and drives sustainability.
Operational excellence
Operational Excellence is the utilization of the Hexcellence™ Model to support the leadership to employ specific strategy, methods and tools that drive sustainable improvement. Those tools are:
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Which focuses on improving the Overall Equipment Effectiveness through employment of improved maintenance strategies.
Lean – Is the elimination of waste in a manufacturing environment to include optimization of all processes and resources.
Six Sigma – Statistical Analysis to identify key areas of focus for the improvements to take place.
5S – A method to clean and organize an area of all required assets and tools while removing any unnecessary components and contributing factors.
Self-empowered Work Teams – Allow Teams to identify and solve issues and defects in the process autonomously.
All the facets within the People cell are necessary. The degree and depth to which an organization uses them gives the flexibility for smaller companies to see the same results as a large with a cost structure that makes business sense.
Autor: Scott Kelley, CMRP
Managing Director
c: 713.962.1978
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